Avengers: Infinity war, Adoption & PCOS

Dear Friends,

It’s been two weeks since I’ve started writing letters to you all and over that time something unexpected has happened. I’ve been consistently happier an unpredicted but welcome feeling. I’m also pretty excited as I write this, in about three hours; I’m going to see Avengers: Infinity War with (blog regular) Hannah and our other friend Daryl. However, this is not going to be a love letter to Thor or about how much I want to hug Groot. If you guys want me to review it leave a comment. Today, as always, is going to be about the future. Specifically number 5 of my bucket list, which is “Adopt a child by 35”, one of the core reasons I decided to change the path of my life.

I’ve always wanted to be a mother, if you were to present me with my child right now I’d be ready, although certainly nowhere where I want to be in life but I’d make it work. At the age of fourteen, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS for short, which has a detrimental effect on my hormones and downsizes the chances of having a biological child. This might be a little TMI but: I have had one period this year (irregular at that), I grow a lot of facial hair, I have thinning hair and it makes it difficult to lose weight. In all, it sucks and isn’t the greatest when it comes to body positivity.

Throughout my journey with fertility issues I came to a realisation, a personal choice that comes with no judgement of other people’s decision, which is having a biological child doesn’t matter to me. I want to be able to make a child happier, feel stable and loved. Not for them to just rotate in and out of foster care until they are deemed “too old” for adoption. In truth I want to adopt more than one, however, that is my goal for now, to be in a position to provide a good home for them.

As I write this I wonder if my son or daughter has already been born, or one day they will find this post and read it. If you are my future child/children I just want to say, as I write this, I love you already and I can’t wait for us to meet each other. I don’t know your story yet, what happened or what your birth family is like, but I wanted you more than words can say. Although I have regrets in my life, you will never ever be one of them and you continue to make me proud. Your nanny is excited to take you on adventures and spoil you. “It’s a nanny’s perogative”- she said.

With that I’m going to end this letter here, if you are new welcome, you can find translate on the sidebar if your first language is not English. You can also find me here on twitter and here for Instagram.

As always,
Love from

Mavis x    


  1. Hun I have pcos just like u be possitive it’s hard but u get ther much love ❤️


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