Just keep swimming

Dear friends, 

I'm writing this on my phone, I have work in a few minutes, drinking a slush puppy. As you may know, if you are returning readers, that "Project Mavis" was founded on the concept of changing my current circumstances. Things such as my: job, learning to drive, travelling more etc.

I would be a liar if I said I was patient, as I apply to internships or try to save money and plan things ahead of time. It's tiring when you see no results. I've been trying to remember that this is not a quick fix and to just keep going. Anyone feeling like this?

As always, 
Love Mavis xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. It just takes that one thing to go and everything else will follow. The way to make sure that happens is with perseverance. All your hard work will pay off because you are creating your own luck and changes through just trying.


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